Disappearing Photos

  • I had a blog entry written up for a contest entry, and I went in to change one element of the text. All of a sudden, all the photos disappeared and whiel they are still in the gallery, I cannot get them to show up in the post whatsoever. I insert them and then try to update and they just disappear. Please help me!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • @bethsjourney This is something we’re looking into right now. I’ll keep you updated and, in the meantime, sorry for the trouble.

  • Do you need to know which entry it is? It’s from 11/16/2010 the POM Party Recap

  • Im having the same problem. It seems to be happening in both Firefox and google Chrome. Please get this fixed :D

  • I have the above mentioned problem as well.
    I had three posts prepared for my blog.
    When I tried to publish them, all pictures disappeared, only the text remained.
    And I cannot upload any new pictures either.

    HELP !!

  • Ditto. Glad I’m not the only one. Will wait for updates. Thanks.
    I’ve got my posts save in drafts.

  • I’m content to wait until this is sorted out, but in case it’s a helpful tidbit for the WP folks… in my case it wasn’t images that disappeared but ALL my links. I had done a post and had a list of ten sources used. When I saved some new changes to the text, all the links were gone. I went back to an earlier revision and retrieved them but when I saved again, they were all gone again as well as the formatting for the ordered list I’d created and also for my paragraphs.

    That’s when I headed over here and decided to wait until it’s sorted out.

  • Yes, like fracas, I’ve noticed any formatting or linking is also disappearing.

  • There must be some system program update that went online without having been properly tested.

    As soon as you a picture is inserted into a post, the images can not be found and the edit program instead takes your text following the image link and uses it as the picture, and everything after that is a total jumble.

    I am sure that it all will be resolved within hours, so just go to bed and wait until tomorrow.

  • Yes, to all of you who’s timezones are bedtime. May as well rest it off and save your words in drafts.

    As for me (in Sydney and it is 15:54), will go shopping and return to my posts :)

  • Yup. Bed is calling me too.

  • Uff… I need to show my blog at University tomorrow… and everything went missing :(

  • It’s not just photos either… Besides having trouble with them, as of tonight, I’m having trouble with the formatting on my posts – tried to put up an article, dragging the template from my word editing program as usual, but when I click publish, all my paragraph spacing disappears. (Adding default double spacing, etc., not allowing different fonts/rich formatting.)

    Any ideas on how long before this will be fixed?

  • Major major problems with formatting my new post tonight!! It all looks fine until I hit preview and then everything goes haywire and jumbles up at the bottom. I have html code in there for a baseball standings table, and the code completely vanishes when I hit preview and the table won’t format. I know you’re working on the vanishing pictures tonight but MANY THINGS are crapping out.

  • Me too. Images and links and formatting disappear when I go to save a new page or blog post! Frustrating ~

  • I had this problem too. While I don’t wish this on anyone, glad to see I wasn’t alone.

  • Lol, i thought I must have mixed my drink too strong :) Glad to know I’m not alone, my posts went totally insane, formatting, pictures links, colors everything….

  • Have only had this blog up for two days and plan to post daily, but I need the formatting to work properly. How often do these kinds of glitches occur? Where and how do we report them? How will we be notified of resolutions? Thank you.

  • Have you at WordPress considered freezing updates, or at least telling users as they log in that it isn’t working and they can’t revert to a previous save if they try to update something?

  • Well played, WP, well played, indeed.

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