Disable Widgets In Mobile Version

  • Is there a way (through CSS or otherwise) to disable widgets in the mobile version of your website?



    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Not that I am aware of. Do you mind me asking why you would want to do that?

  • Ha ha, well I have the site to where there are no showing widgets on the home page (only in the interior pages). On the home page placed twitter/fb etc buttons at the bottom of the page (I have the same buttons in a widget in a different location of the interior pages). So on the regular version of the site, all is well and they play nice.

    But when you look at the mobile version of the website there are two sets of identical buttons on the home page. If that makes any sense…

    There’s prob a better way to do this, so I’m always up for suggestions.

    There may be a better way to accomplish this, but that’s just where I’m at.

  • I don’t help with CSS editing. I was just curious is all. :)

  • You can target the mobile theme using CSS selectors that begin with “.mobile-theme” and you must also have the mobile theme enabled in Settings → Mobile and check the option that says “Apply this CSS to the Mobile Theme” on the Appearance → Custom Design → CSS page.

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