Disable sidebar on pages?

  • Hello! :) In a page called “about me” I want to hide the sidebar so I’ll get only one big site/content. Is this possible in wordpress.com or only in wordpress.org? I can’t see any settings for this in wordpress.com.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The answer is theme dependent. Your blog is private and we cannot see which teme you are using.

  • Are you sure? The settings should be common to all themes. That it is wordpress.com which is responsible for it and not the themes. Anyway, I use Under the Influence by spaceperson. My blog is private until I have fixed everything. After that, it’s up and running for everyone! :)

  • I am positive. I have answered questions here for over 6 years. We can place an empty text widget in any sidebar area and that will eliminate widget display but that does not allow us to blog in the sidebar space. Minimalist theme with admin panel for custom colors, two- or three-column-layout and various other options.

    Under the Infulence theme description > http://theme.wordpress.com/themes/under-the-influence/
    Under the infulence live demo site > http://undertheinfluencedemo.wordpress.com/
    Under the Infumence forum threads > https://en.forums.wordpress.com/tags/under-the-influence

  • No, the setting is not common to all themes.

    No, wordpress.com does not design all themes here.

    Themes are designed by individual designers and each designer determines the features and the way their theme is going to work. Even the themes that AutoMATTic have designed here are not all the same or have the same features.

    Open the page in the page editor. If there is a “page template” pulldown in the “attributes” module on the right, click that and see if they have a no-sidebar, full-width page template. If it does, select that template and update the page. If there is no template pulldown, or if there is no no-sidebar, full-width page template listed, then you would have to switch to a theme that does offer it.

  • I know :) I just thought it was the same options in ‘make new page’ for all themes. But now I see there’s different settings there also. Hmm, that was sad. Cuz then I have to change everything all over again. Widgets and css.

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