Disable Infinite Scroll on Pillcrow (blog, not website)

  • Hi, my blog is running the Pillcrow theme, and I’m trying to figure out the proper CSS to disable infinite scrolling. Apparently it’s different for every theme.

    I don’t want “infinite scroll, but with a button” either. I want proper pages with numbers and next and previous buttons, like how web pages ought to be.

    I’ve already installed Custom Design.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, I see you have disabled infinite scroll at Settings > Reading. To return the Older/Newer post links at the bottom of the pages and hide the single “Older Posts” button, 3o to Appearance > Customize > CSS, delete all the informational text in that window, and paste in the following custom CSS.

    .infinite-scroll #nav-below, .infinite-scroll.neverending #footer {
        display: block;
    .infinite-scroll #infinite-handle {
        display: none;
  • Thanks. That’s exactly what I needed.

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