Disable Active Excerpt after Adding Featured Image

  • Hi everyone,

    I have an issue regarding how the blog posts appear on the front page. When I do not add any featured image, the posts appear just fine; I can a “more tag” and it works well, so the entire post does not show on the front page, but the excerpt shows as it would appear if it was the entire post.

    But as soon as I add a featured image (which I need if I want to show a specific image when I share on Facebook or Twitter), the post appearance on the front page change: now it displays the feature image on the left plus the first lines on the right. It completely ignores the “read more” tag that I added myself and the post does not show as I want to.

    I use the theme Forever. Perhaps there is a way to add a CSS code to disable the “active excerpt” feature?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello

    I did some tests with Forever theme and the “continue reading” link is really suppressed when there’s a featured image, although the excerpt is trimmed on the position set by the more tag, and not completely ignored as you stated.

    There is no way to change this behaviour by css. Its bulit in on the plugin code.

    If you have a way to self host this blog, I can help you with the code.

  • @coteboudreau

    From the Forever theme support doc:

    On the home page, posts with Featured Images assigned will display with the excerpt, whereas posts without Featured Images will display the full content. You can always shorten full-content posts using the More Tag. https://wordpress.com/themes/forever/

    So, it would appear this is how the theme was created. You should be able to control exactly what content appear in the excerpt if you place it in the Custom Excerpt area in the classic editor (WP-Admin ->Posts ->Add New) https://en.support.wordpress.com/excerpts/

    The best place to find out if it is possible to override this with CSS or not on WordPress.com is the CSS forum here: https://en.forums.wordpress.com/forum/css-customization#postform

  • @pedger

    This forum is not a space to promote self-hosting. If you have a self-hosted site and want to help out, please check out the WordPress.org support forums: http://wordpress.org/support/

    This forum is only for WordPress.COM users.

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