Difficulty Tagging Posts

  • Hi there, I’ve been having trouble tagging posts after the big WordPress update a few months ago. While working on my school’s student-newspaper (thepointeruwsp.com), I try to add a handful of tags into any news post but, since the new update, the tagging system has been incredibly difficult – bordering on unworkable.

    After adding a tag, and after hitting enter so the tag has been secluded to its own little bubble to signify it’s been finished, if I continue typing (to add the next tag), the previous tag will disappear completely. On rare occasions, this tag will reappear spontaneously in a couple minutes – most of the time, the tag never appears again. Continuing to add tags will simply end in each previous tag continuing to disappear. If I want an unbearable amount of time (say, enough to re-save the whole doc) for /each/ tag, then (and only sometimes) the tags will persist for the rest of the editing process.

    Any suggestions, or help on this issue?

  • Hi @jwolf963 ,

    Ouch! I’m sorry to hear that. :(

    As you are asking about a self-hosted site using WordPress from WordPress.org, we cannot help you hear.
    WordPress.com and WordPress.org

    Head over to the WordPress.org forums and someone should be able to help you there shortly.

    All the best!

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