Difficulties with setting the site to Private

  • Why am I not permitted access to projects inside selected Pages or Posts after setting the site to ‘Private.’? Whenever I attempt to access a project, continuously, I am redirected to the page that informs me that the site is private, and then I begin the process of log on, again!

    Ridiculous! I am the site owner, administrator.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Open Safari preferences, click on Privacy, and uncheck the box next to “Prevent cross-site tracking”. With that setting enabled Safari prevents us from detecting you as logged into your account when you visit a site on a custom domain, even if it’s your own site. You’ll likely have the same issue in any other browser if you block third-party cookies or use an anti-tracking browser add-on.

    Unlike other browser and most anti-tracking add-ons, Safari does not allow you to whitelist certain sites to allow us to track you on those sites, so if you use Safari the only option is to completely disable that tracking-protection feature.

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