Did you remove the old widgets with links?

  • Did you remove the old widgets with links? My page used to have a widget to the right with some useful links, but that is gone now. I can still set up links in the link tab, and my old links are there (thankfully). But how do I display them now? If it was removed, why? Don’t like that my site get messed up if that is the case.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there,

    Did you remove the old widgets with links? My page used to have a widget to the right with some useful links, but that is gone now. I can still set up links in the link tab, and my old links are there (thankfully). But how do I display them now? If it was removed, why? Don’t like that my site get messed up if that is the case.

    I have checked the site https://tomsgaming.com/ and see you have the Sidebar right widget with the links.

    I see the Sidebar right widget was removed and then added to the site.

    If you want to check the activity on the site, you can check it from WordPress.com > My Sites > Jetpack > Activity

  • The new widget I made manually myself to replace the “automatic” one that connects to the link tab inside the site editor. I hope you get what I mean. Just wondering where the link widget went. Was it removed?

  • Thanks for clarifying!

    I understand how frustrating it can be when features change. The Links manager in your site’s dashboard was deprecated in WordPress version 3.5 (released on December 11, 2012). Since you created your site before that, you still have access to that section.

    The Blogroll widget was removed from WordPress.com in October 2021. We allowed sites using the widget to keep it as long as no edits were made. Unfortunately, the widget is no longer available, so you’ll need to manually create those links going forward.

    I hope this helps explain things! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please let us know.

  • Okay, thanks for the help! It wasn’t too hard to create new ones.

Reply to Did you remove the old widgets with links?