desperately want to delete two step authentication

  • well, all said.

    i find WHERE i have to do it, and i click “disable” – but then nothing happens. i don’t get a code to enter, and the code i had used for logging in to wordpress prior just does not work.
    but i soooo want to get rid of that thing again. can anyone help please?

    and merry christmas!


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • edit:

    sorry, i provide more information.

    my google account is NOT the mailaddress the blog uses.
    i have an app specific password which lets me use the app from my mobile.
    but i am annoyed that every time i log on my computer, i have to enter the code. that’s annoying and i don’t want it.
    i therefore want to get rid of two step thingy. i went to the page, wanted to disable it: but whatever code i used (the one minutely generated from the authenticator app or one of the backup codes) – always the same: INVALID CODE! (and i also did not get a code via sms when clicking “disable”)
    so what code must i then use?!?!?! please do help. thank you!

  • You can visit
    and click the “Need More Help” link and complete the form for account recovery.

  • i CAN log into my account.
    but i DON’T WANT to use two codes every time i want to write a blog entry. it is annoying.

    i just went into a loop. i got a new page where i had to activate two step thingy. did it, printed backup codes, wanted to disable the two step thingy, used a backup code, and bang, back to the enabling page. vicious circle! aaaah!

  • hm well, i just got an email saying it has been disabled. so i go and have a try.
    thanks so far.

  • yay, it DID work.
    got rid of that annoying stuff.

    but honestly, “a simple disabling” is something different …

  • I’m happy I was able to take my time away from my company and help you. Merry Christmas!

  • Knpfwelten — I’m having the same issue. How did you get out of this SMS code loop to disable the two-step authentication?

  • hi,

    i got that annoying loop and though it would never work out.

    just as i checked my email on accident i saw that i had received many mails, subject “two step … disabled” – “two step enabled“, disabled, enabled and so on.
    so i thought “hey, it must be working after all”, ignored the loop, clicked a last time “DISABLE”, used a right code and voila, it was all done by then.

    hope you are successful, too!

  • and just in case it does not work: you might have ro “reactivate” the two step thingy first for wordpress. don’t ask why. i had to. and then i finally got the right codes, too.

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