Desktop columns switched to one column on mobile

  • Hi,

    I have a blog that I built myself out of the free Kale template off of WordPress. I constructed two columns for the Home page and four columns for the Life and Travel pages. It looks good on my desktop version but when I look at my mobile site, the columns are off of the screen and not centered with the top header of the page. I would like to switch the multiple columns into one column on the mobile version while leaving the desktop layout as is. Is there a custom css I could put in that would fix my issue?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello, @meghanvmathews,

    That sounds frustrating.

    I see that your site is hosted by HostGator:

    Name Servers

    At HostGator you are running your own copy of WordPress that you are responsible for maintaining. If you need support you may head to the awesome community for assistance.

    This specific forum is for the Kale theme:

    If you have a paid plan with (this support forum), then provides direct support and maintains the installation for you.

    The following guide outlines the differences between what here does and the installation that you have with

    I hope this helps, and that you find a solution. Also, kindly let me know if I have any of this information incorrect.

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