Demo Content

  • I was told that by having an Automatic setup, I could contact a Happiness Engineer to request demo content to be added to my site. I chose the template ‘Twenty-Fourteen’ and would like to have the demo content from the demo to my current website.
    Thanks! Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello? Please help.

  • Hello!

    I was told that by having an Automatic setup, I could contact a Happiness Engineer to request demo content to be added to my site. I chose the template ‘Twenty-Fourteen’ and would like to have the demo content from the demo to my current website.

    I have populated your site with the demo content of the Twenty-Fourteen theme.
    Feel free to let us know if there’s anything else you need help with.
    We’re happy to make some suggestions or share some resources with you.

  • Thank you for adding the demo content to my site! However, I noticed that it doesn’t match the Twenty-Fourteen template exactly. Is there any way you could adjust the design to make it look exactly like the demo?

  • You’ll be able to customize the content with the features that theme offers.

    Take a look at the theme demo and let me know which content needs adjusted. That will give us a better idea of what’s going on. Cheers!

  • Hello! The content that needs adjusting is the (primary and secondary) menus, the sidebars (videos, images, galleries, audio, quotes, asides, links, recent news, calendar, and categories), the bottom footer, the button “older posts” and each post example. Thanks!

  • Hi there!

    Here are some helpful links to get started:

    • Editing the menu
    • Click My Site → Customize → Widgets to edit the sidebar widgets. There’s a footer widget section on this theme that you can edit in the same way. More about widgets.
    • To edit the already published posts, click My Site → Posts → click on the post title to edit them. Learn more about working with posts here.

    I also recommend checking out this page, as it contains general instructions specific to this theme. You can also learn more using here:

    Feel free to let us know if there’s anything else you need and we’ll be happy to help.

  • Hi! I need to help me get my content sidebar to include the unique title bars (which are linked and have an image), post/pages in the content sidebars, the separators, and the “more videos link?” Also, how can I get a “follow blog via email” block for my Secondary Menu, make the calendar block bolded, and create a “continue reading” for my posts on the homepage. Also, finally, how do I make the posts on the homepage and other locations say the type of post, date, and author or just sticky and author currently I have “leave a comment” and edit, which I don’t want. Thanks!

  • Hi there,

    You should be able to add all the above by going to Appearance > Widgets from the dashboard and clicking the sidebar content tab. You can select the widget blocks you are looking to add, and then be able to save them to be viewable on your site.

    For more information, please visit our support page:

    4 min read
    Widget areas are special places on your site that can accept blocks. These vary by theme but are typically areas like your sidebar or footer. 💡 Themes that support the Site Editor do not use widgets, so you won’t see Appearance → Widgets in your dashboard. Instead, you can edit all of your site in one place at Appearance → Editor. Click here to learn how to use the Site Editor.

    Also, finally, how do I make the posts on the homepage and other locations say the type of post, date, and author or just sticky and author currently I have “leave a comment” and edit, which I don’t want.

    Whether or not the date and author byline appears depends on your theme, and if your theme doesn’t display those elements, there’s no way to add them without modifying the theme’s source files. So, you’d need to choose a different theme with that feature if you want it displayed.

    You can disable comments in Settings > Discussion.

    Hope this helps.

  • Hello
    After doing a lot (more than a couple hours) of unrelated research, I managed to almost fix site’s design from the issues I mentioned earler. I still need help having lines in the “recent posts” widget in the content sidebar to separate each post, bold the calendar’s date title at the top like “April 2023,” same thing with the categories list in the content sidebar, I need a like in-between the categories. I would also like to know how to make the site fullscreen for all devices (I don’t have premium).

  • Hi there,

    To add lines between your items (listed in the widgets) you will need our Premium plan and the addition of CSS code to make the targeted change to your site’s default behavior. It is not possible to do that as a free site.

    The same is true for changing the overall width of your theme. This is the width it was designed for (you can confirm by viewing the demo here) and the only way to do that would be via the Premium plan and CSS.


  • Thanks for your reply!
    I thought there was an Advanced CSS area to input for specific widgets like the calendar or recent posts. I have tried putting code in those areas, but they don’t have any effect.

    One thing I have left that I want to change is that under the post titles like the description thing, it says “[Post format] Leave a comment [date] edit.” Instead, I want it to only show either [Post format] [Date] and author or just post format and author like shown in the demo.

  • One thing I have left that I want to change is that under the post titles like the description thing, it says “[Post format] Leave a comment [date] edit.” Instead, I want it to only show either [Post format] [Date] and author or just post format and author like shown in the demo.

    To be able to adjust that part of your posts, you’ll need to use some CSS code as my colleague mentioned in their reply before.

  • Thank you, but is there any way I can do that without any paid plan like using the Advanced CSS section within the post or something? If so, could you please provide it to me?

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