Deleted Posts

  • For the last few days, I’ve been finding that my posts will be saved as a draft when I click the Publish button. When I try to publish them again, they publish, but sometimes a duplicate post is created as a draft. I’ve been so far able to delete the duplicate draft without trouble. Today, however, when I deleted the duplicate draft, the published post and the preceeding post were both deleted without explanation. What’s more is that while both posts were in my RSS Feed for a time, they never appeared on my blog pages (despite being published and not draft).

    Any hints as to what may be going to cause this? I submitted feedback on the entire problem aside from the post deletion a couple of days ago as well. Haven’t heard anything yet.



  • in order to prevent from this happening again, you can check a draft before deleting by hovering your mouse arrow (for a lack of better word) on the link to your draft & your post. if you use firefox, you can see the url of your draft which also shows your post id. every draft or post has a unique id. if you notice the draft has a different id than the post then it is safe to delete it. but if it’s the same, then there’s a problem for feedback.

    also, best to send this to feedback if you want a reply for your issue.

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