Deleted Content Still Visible

  • I noticed that another blog had stolen a lot of my content and was actually loading the images onto their blog directly from my site. I contacted them about removing the content but they ignored me. In the end I decided to delete the images and upload them with new file names in order to break the links to their blog.

    Although the images are now deleted from my blog, when I go onto the offending blog :

    the content is still there and in the bottom of my browser I can see that it is still being transfered from my blog?

    Any ideas why this is?

  • You need to delete the images not from your posts, but from your media library. They’re still in there and they’re just hotlinking.

    If they were hosted at Photobucket, here’s an elegant workaround: you delete the images, upload one USING THE SAME NAME that says something like “This idiot stole all my pictures and you should go to for the original, fabulous content” and then he’ll be hotlinking THAT one. Alas, doesn’t work if the images are hosted at

    Bridlepath did that and in the new images she had a guy picking his nose. It was hilarious. They took their whole blog down!

  • I have deleted them from my Media Library, thats why I can’t understand why they are still showing?

  • I’ve looked at the offending blog today and a couple of the images have now gone, but a lot of them are still there.

    I’ve looked through a bit more of the blog and it is full of my content, is there any way I can stop this?

  • Hmmm if they have done a complete plagarize of your blog (or your images) I think you should be able to contact their host and they will inform them to either remove the stolen content or they will get shut down…

    I think the website is not a splogger, but none-the-less content theft is content theft and any host provider should take action for it…

  • is where you should be looking at to find some sort of contact details…. my checoslovakian (I think thats what CZ stands for) is not the best and I am unable to find a “contact us” anywhere…… and even if u do find them let’s hope they understand english.. :S

  • Ok I did some further snooping around through unfamiliar territory (and I managed to find a bunch of emails…. this seems to be the “support email” : (email visible only to moderators and staff) but I don’t know how much it can help you… Give it a try I guess and maybe you might get some response…But all of it being out of america you might have a bit of trouble with them. :S

    Sorry I couldn’t help more..

  • At this point, I’d contact staff. If you’ve taken down those images and they’re still being hotlinked and working just fine (and that twit is pretending he’s sorry, but he’s not making the change) then staff needs to delete them. They need the exact URLs, though.

  • Thanks for all of your advice, it’s much appreciated.

    I will try to email his host first and see if I get anywhere that way. If not I’ll contact support here.

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