Deleted blog showing in “My Dashboards”

  • I just deleted Blog B, but when I’m viewing Blog A, the “My Dashboards” (in the blue bar at the top of the blog) still shows the deleted blog name. When I select it, I do get the page that says “This user has elected to delete their account and the content is no longer available.”, but the fact that it’s still showing there is what seems odd to me.

    Is this support forum for peers only, or do Automattic staff review the posts?

  • More like triage actually. Think back to all those MASH episodes you’re watched. I’m Col. Potter, timethief and nosy are Hot Lips, Cornell is Hawkeye, sunburntkamel is Radar and Podz is that CIA agent who stopped by on occasion, Col Flagg. :)

    The issue came up a few months back but I thought it had been resolved. Best bet would be to send in a feedback with a pointer to this thread so that they see we’ve discussed it. (See? Triage.) Your issue is a backend issue that has to be resolved back there.

    Staff does skim the threads though. 99% of what gets discussed here is something we can help with. If not, we try to redirect you to where folks need to be or raise the issue with staff.

    Hope this helps,

  • Thanx for the guidance – I’ll send it in a Feedback comment.

  • Or not bother, because it appears to be fixed already. Perhaps there was just a delay after the deletion? Or someone was lurking, saw my post, and corrected the issue. Yay, anyways.

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