Delete page from Google searches

  • I have some big problems with a page that we had through wordpress still showing up in Google Searches. I made the site private, to start, but it still showed up in searches a week or two later. In my frustration i deleted the page, but it somehow still shows up in Google Searches. Biggest problem is that it outranks our new website, even though the keywords look like a mess. I have searched the internet for a solution, but so far the only way i can seem to solve it, is that i either wait 3-6 months, for the google caches to refresh, or verify that it is my page, and use the google removals tool. The problem is that i don’t have a way to verify the page, as i can’t upload the required file to the page. Is there something you can do to help? We’ve had multiple customers contact us, saying they had a hard time finding our website, even though the were searching for the actual name of our business.

    The website in question is:

  • Google can’t index the web in real-time, it can take them a few weeks to a few months to update a deletion.

    Also, make sure that you’ve tried the steps at

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