delete "category: blog" at top of each category page

  • Hi, two things:
    1. How do I get rid of the “title” at the top of each category page.
    When I click on “lookbook,” there is a title at the top that says, “category
    : lookbook” and I don’t like that there.

    2. How do I make the full blog posts show in my “lookbook” category, but keep only partial posts showing in my “blog” category?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • For 1 – strictly with CSS you can use:

    .page-header { display: none; }

    That should remove that header section on any “blog category pages”

    2. Can you explain more of what you mean? Do you mean when looking at the lookbook category you want to actually show the full text of the post on that page but on the other categories you want to just show the excerpt?

  • Yes. I have to click on the title of the post for the full post, with pictures to show. On blog posts, I like that option, but on my lookbook category, I would like the whole post to show without having to click the title link.
    Sorry if I’m explaining terribly.

  • This makes sense, and no, you are explaining it well.

    I also realized that the CSS code I sent you may only be usable if you are on a Theme that allows that kind of customization and also based on the plan you are on with I am a volunteer (not staff) so I cannot see details of your plan.

    Based on that plan level as well, I may not be able to give you code to help on the blog postings, because the level of customization is detailed.

    Are you on the Free plan or one of the paid?

  • The first code did work! Thank you!
    I am on the premium plan.

  • Great, yes, that looks good on #1!

    For the second one, I am going to need to let a staff member assist. I know that if you were on the Business Plan there would be ways to further customize this with code, but I do not want to take you in the wrong direction by suggesting a fix that your plan cannot support.

    Thanks for letting me help on the first one, and someone else will pick this up and give other suggestions soon. Enjoy your weekend!

  • Thank you so much for your help!!

  • For #2 – the easiest solution is going to be to use the “read more” tag option where you want to only display a partial post listing.

    Take a look at those instructions here:

    Give it a try and write back if you have any issues or more questions.


    phillipburger – thanks for getting us started here and supplying that CSS.

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