delete blog follower

  • How do I delete a follower from my blog? I received an email that a user named emiLy started following my blog. I didn’t realize that my blog was public so I just changed the settings but now I’d like to delete this user. Please advise.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The follower Emily was a spam follower and is nothing to worry about.

    We cannot block or delete subscribers from public blogs. Anyone and everyone can access public blogs and that’s indeed what the public designation means. However, please read this about public blogs that become private blogs > Blog Privacy and Subscribers >

    To change blog visibility to Private go to Dashboard > Settings > Reading scroll to Site Visibility and choose option 3

    You don’t need an upgrade of any kind at all to invite multiple people to contribute to a private blog. See:
    adding users
    user roles
    Note that you have complete control over everything that’s posted to your blog via comment moderation

    For trolls, you can “blacklist” them at Settings > Discussion toward the bottom of that page. Enter their email address, their username, and if they included it, their website URL. That will automatically send them to moderation so that their comments do not appear on the blog. Do note though that if they are determined, they can use a different email address or username to get around that.

    Also, do not put their IP address in the blacklist. IP addresses are no longer unique, and you might end up blocking legitimate visitors. In fact for over a decade only about 30% of us have IPs that trace back to any individual computer. Also, all they would have to do is go to a wi-fi hot spot, or connect via a different ISP and they could get around that.

    Our reality is that if the ability to remove or followers existed our time would be squandered on removing unwanted followers because anyone can get a new email address and or a new IP in seconds flat and then they can subscribe again to any public blog they were removed from.

    If someone has an inappropriate rating for a Gravatar image, please log into to Gravatar and use the “Report Abuse” link on their Gravatar profile bottom right hand corner to let Staff know.

    Also note that on this page > Settings > Discussion if you scroll down you will find you can set a Maximum Rating for gravatar display on your blog.

    G — Suitable for all audiences
    PG — Possibly offensive, usually for audiences 13 and above
    R — Intended for adult audiences above 17
    X — Even more mature than above

    If the follower has an inappropriate blog hosted here at, you can also report that to us so we can deal with that: Report Mature or Spam Blogs

  • Thank you so much for the helpful information. You went above and beyond – I appreciate it.

  • You’re welcome and best wishes with your blog. :)

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