delete all blog content

  • I would like to delete all content from my blog, but keep it active. It is currently being hosted elsewhere under a new WordPress blog and I don’t want this one to drive any traffic to my site or cause any confusion. However, I would like to keep it in case my business needs it in future – as such I want to delete all content and settings and leave it dormant for now. I do not need any of the content on it and it can all be deleted completely.

    Please tell me how to achieve this. Many thanks.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You can go to Tools>Delete Blog then choose Empty my blog of all content or whatever works for you. Then you can go to Settings > Reading > then look for Site Visibility and choose I would like my site to be private, visible only to users I choose

  • Hi there and thanks for the speedy reply!

    I’ve tried the ’empty my blog of all content’ option, but all it does is direct me to support via the following autoresponder:

    ‘If you wish to empty your blog of all of its content but keep the blog name, please contact support, and one of our Happiness Engineers will be glad to lend a hand. Do note that once the blog is emptied, the content is gone forever, so please make sure you mean it before you ask us to empty your blog.’

    Following the link in this brought me to this forum – how do I get support to clear this request so I can actually carry it through? Any ideas?

    All help much appreciated

  • oops sorry i typed the above answer on the wrong tab. :|

  • i will tag this post to the staff so that they can help you cause I think they are the one who can help you for this.

  • Thanks – help would be great. Staff? Can you help?? Are you there???

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