Delay to Post & Site too Slow

  • I´m having problems posting, reading and accessing my blogs at wordpress today

    Is there some problem?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • There’s no known issue and I connect to instantly. I’m in Canada on a DSL line using FF31 on Windows 7.

  • Using Chrome
    Windows 7

    all other sites works fine and fast

    the same problem in all my 4 blogs wordpress hosted

    until yesterday it was just fine

    look below

    took 5 minutes to finally upload this image

  • That’s strange. Have you checked with your ISP for known issues? I’ll tag this thread for a Staff follow-up. Please subscribe to the thread so you are notified when they respond and please be patient while waiting.

  • Now this goes down…


    There was a small systems error. Please try refreshing the page and if the error is still there drop us a note and let us know.”

    Several times this message, error uploading files and other annoyng errors and delays

  • If it Help, those are the messages I got: 502 Error h1 { font-weight: normal; font-size: 40px; } body { line-height: 1.6em; font-family: Georgia, serif; width: 390px; margin: auto; text-align: center; } .message { font-size: 22px; width: 350px; margin: 10px auto; } _error = ‘502-lb’; fzd(); Whoops! There was a small systems error. Please try refreshing the page and if the error is still there drop us a note and let us know.

    Server Maintenance

    Your server is going through a few minutes of routine maintenance. Please don’t touch your browser for a few minutes.

    What do I do?

    If you were posting a comment or making a post on your blog then do not press BACK on your browser. Wait 5 minutes and press the refresh icon on your browser. Your comment or post will be sent as normal.
    If you are browsing a blog here just wait a few moments and hit refresh. The page you were expecting will appear.

  • Hi there,

    We were having server maintenance yesterday which caused a few issues. It should all be fixed now.

    I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

    Thank you for your patience!

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