Default notification admin email address

  • In a blog with multiple administrators, as the blog owner can I designate one admin to receive all notifications of all types listed in “Email Me Whenever” at Settings->Discussions, regardless of the author of the post?

    I thought there was a place in General Settings for designating the default admin notification address for the blog (not for a particular author, user or admin person). I don’t see it now. Was it there? Removed?

    The “Email Me Whenever” settings are global for all admins. If one admin user changes them, the other admins will see the same settings when they log in. So it’s not like each admin can choose his individual notification options there.

    Another use for this kind of blog global default address choice: when uninvited people request access to a private blog. Does that notice always and only go to the blog owner? Could the owner delegate that to another admin?

    Same for Like notifications. They go only to the author of the post, not to a general/global blog email address? Or only to the owner admin? Can I designate one email address to receive all Like notifications?

    Same question for New Follower notifications. Who gets them? Can I change it?

  • I think I should clarify my inquiry.

    I have two questions regarding each of the following notification types:

    1. Settings -> Discussion | Email Me Whenever:

    a. Anyone posts a comment
    b. A comment is held for moderation
    c. Someone likes one of my posts
    d. Someone reblogs one of my posts
    e. Someone follows my blog

    2. Requests for access to a private blog

    3. New Follower signed up

    The two questions are, for each notification above:

    A. By default, who will receive the notification?
    B. Can the blog owner change who that will be?

    One more question: In the past, did Settings -> General (or another page) offer a field for blog notifications email address? Or is my memory acting up again?

    Thank you. Have a good day.

  • I see some inquiries in the forum that go unanswered and the thread is eventually closed to comments. How long does a thread stand idle before it is closed?

    I hope this one doesn’t get closed before I can come back and share the answers to my questions when I find them.

  • While I might not be able to answer all your queries:

    I thought there was a place in General Settings for designating the default admin notification address for the blog (not for a particular author, user or admin person). I don’t see it now. Was it there? Removed?

    Removed last year.

    To the best of my knowledge, Admin notifications are sent to the email address of the person who registered the site. The only exception to this is the Contact Form, where one can set up a separate email address to receive email notifications. The feedback generated by a contact form still shows up in the Feedback area of the Dashboard regardless and I believe that all Admins see that.

    Regardless, an Author receives his/her own comment notifications on multi-author sites.

    Forum threads are automatically closed after about a month of inactivity.

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