Dealing with Blog Ranking Issues on WordPress Site

  • I’ve been facing some challenges with the ranking of my blog payroll course on my WordPress site. Despite putting in considerable effort into content creation and SEO optimization, my blog seems to be struggling to achieve higher rankings in search engine results.

    I’m reaching out to the community for advice and suggestions on how to address this issue. Are there any specific strategies or techniques that have worked for you in improving blog rankings on WordPress? Any insights or experiences you can share would be greatly appreciated.

  • Hi there,

    We have general information on improving SEO that can assist you whether your hosted on or elsewhere:

    However, I checked the site, and unfortunately, we cannot help because we don’t host your site directly on our hosting. Instead, your site is hosted with a different provider on a separate host, and we cannot take a closer look.

    The good news is that because your host uses the open-source variant of the WordPress platform (which functions differently than what we offer here on, help is also available at the forums here:

    The folks in the open-source forum are more familiar with these issues and are in the best position to help. I hope this points you in the right direction.

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