Dashboard time is right, but scheduler is 12 hours out.

  • Created a post today, Apr 16 at about 16.20 and scheduled it to post on Apr 27. It wouldn’t let me set publish time to anything before 4.20 (am).

    Not a problem really – but my posts > all page is telling me that I’ve created it at 4.20 am on 27 Apr (presumably why I can’t schedule for before that time).

    My dashboard settings show the correct time and date, and time zone (London UK). My system time is showing correct date and time too. So why does the posts page show last modified incorrectly?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there – Happy to look into this with you. Excellent sleuthing work so far!

    I’ve done some research and I think I’ve figured out what’s happening. On my own test site I was able to recreate exactly what you see by creating a post, writing some text, changing the schedule date using the calendar, and then clicking Save Draft.

    The problem with the steps above is the post has still not been technically “scheduled”. (The result of the above scenario is strange to me, so I’ll dig into that and come back with what I find.)

    To fix your issue you will need to click the blue “Schedule” button after setting the date in the calendar. Once you have done that, you will see “Scheduled” in your posts > all list, and you can then change the scheduled date and time to whatever you would like. Try that and let me know if that works for you please. :)

  • Thanks – that now shows as scheduled for 27 April. It wouldn’t let me change the time to anything before 4.20, until after I’d exited back to All posts, and then selected the post again and gone into edit. Then I could change the time as well.

    Thanks for that – trivial I know, but the more technology tells me I can’t do something, the more I demand that I can!

  • Thanks for the report! We’ve filed an issue about the modified time here: https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/30929

    I’ve also passed along your feedback about being able to edit the time after exiting back to All Posts, and re-editing. Those details should help, too.

  • My previous post was also scheduled, and I remember that it also wouldn’t allow time before 4.20am. The button showed “scheduled” so I didn’t look at the info on the Posts page. I see it went live on the correct date, at 4.49am.

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