Dashboard, or WordPress.com?

  • What is going on here?

    Stats can still be accessed from the dashboard, but the stats on wordpress.com are slightly better. But if I were to post a post from the screen on wordpress.com, blue line at top, that is a great deal worse: when it started you could not even save a draft, and now you cannot add media easily.

    Why can we not have the dashboard improved, and wordpress.com mothballed- all the services in one place?

    What benefit is there to WordPress from any services being on wordpress.com rather than all on the dashboard?

    The thing which makes me ask is that on my add new post screen, from the dashboard, has gone funny. I made a very long post, and now the “Add new post” screen appears with the text box big enough for such a long post. I like to keep an eye on my word count and I can’t without either shrinking the text box or scrolling down, which I feel I should not have to do.

    It feels like wordpress is messing about with the code and producing random worsenings of service.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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