Dashboard not working properly

  • I’m an old guy and not very techno-savvy…….but I’m having a problem with my website.  For the past month or so, when I go to my Dashboard, and I click on Stats, and I see 0 views and 0 visitors for a particular day and then I go to my downloads and there are a dozen or so downloads listed for that day in spite of having no visitors and no views.  That doesn’t make sense to me. I’ve tried logging off and back on the website and rebooting my computer to no avail.  Can you please help? Doctormikep.com

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    It is possible that your files were downloaded or accessed directly (which also counts as a download) without someone visiting the site on that particular day. For example, I visit your site today and bookmark the link to the file. If I don’t visit your site and access that link directly tomorrow, that will count as a download but not as a view or visit (as I won’t be visiting your actual site).

    You can understand a bit more about how file downloads work in the stats here.

    Hope that helps!

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