Dashboard Navigation Changes Very Bad

  • This morning I found out that when I am in the Classic Dashboard and want change site, I am now dumped into the “new” trash dashboard – this “improvement” is not welcome at all, as a proud member of the 15% club that uses the very efficient classic dashboard I find the new changes very unwelcome as I will now need to go back and set bookmarks for each of my sites, a very inefficient way to do things

    Please change the navigation back to efficient, when I want the new dashboard and stats (not very often by the way) I will go to the new pages

    not a welcome way to start the day as I needed to make a new post to help a fellow instructor and I had to waste time and fiddle around with new bookmarks

    Also the sparklines (hourly visits) went away a week or two ago – during the heavy season for my site it was great to see the hourly changes and the effect a popular article would have on traffic

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @auxclass,

    We started switching everyone over to the Calypso-based menu for My Sites in early December, starting with newer accounts first, and gradually rolling it out to older accounts. A group of accounts was switched over to the new navigation on Monday.

    You should still see the WP-Admin link at the bottom of the menu for each of your sites, but the menu change is permanent. The code with which the older version of the menu was written is no longer being maintained and is being permanently retired, as is the stats page at /my-stats

    The sparkline was removed, but we’re working on adding that, along with several other features from /my-stats to the Calypso stats page.

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