Cyber Squatting Copyright Infringement

  • Hello,

    I am the former owner of the domain My personal information on this website is being exploited and the site redirects to car insurance advertisements.

    I received no notices from WordPress that my domain would expire. It appears was setup for automatic renewal and the emails from specifically state ‘You don’t have to do anything — this is just a reminder.’

    After looking at the registration of the domain it is clear someone else has rightfully purchased or possibly somehow stolen this domain from me.

    I need to learn about the history of the domain ownership, as well as the possible penalties against the party exploiting my personal information.

    I believe they have copied the code from my website and created the same site, albeit with some technical problems and added advertisements, viewable at the bottom of the home page, and when the ‘home’ button is clicked, it redirects to a car insurance website.


    Gryphon Rue Rower-Upjohn

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • It is not correct that the site I need help with is

    WordPress does not provide customer service phone number, so this is where I’v been sent for this issue.

  • Hi! I’ve reached out through private email. Please reply back there!

  • I need WordPress to document the narrative of payments and explain why it did or did not make it to Godaddy.

    At this point it is clear that WordPress is at fault here. There was an unauthorized transfer of my domain name which occurred because WordPress notified me that my domain would be auto-renewed and “You don’t have to do anything–this is just a reminder”. WordPress really screwed up here. I am prepared to use all my social media to publicize what happened, and if there is no action on WordPress’ behalf acknowledging fault and offering help recovering my domain. I’ve spoken to a lawyer and I’m now reviewing the ICANN dispute process.

    I need more information regarding why my ownership of the domain wasn’t auto-renewed, and precisely the chain of events that occurred leading to WordPress releasing the domain name. The last communication I received from WordPress says that my domain required an $18 payment, which I paid and I have it in bank records.

  • Hi! I’ll reply to your email right now. Please keep all further correspondence in that email thread!

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