Cutline to Coraline FAQs

  • Thanks to everyone for your feedback on Coraline. We understand that this change took some of you by surprise, and that was not our intention. We know that you care deeply about your sites, and we worked hard to make sure this transition went as smoothly as possible.

    Here are responses to your most common questions since the change yesterday.

    Where did Cutline go?
    Cutline is now replaced with Coraline, an improved version of the theme. It has a similar visual design, and adds many new features. Read the announcement for more details:

    The state of the art in themes has advanced quite a bit since then, and we’re excited about seeing all the cool things you’ll do on your sites with Coraline’s updated features.

    Is Cutline going away completely?
    Yes, it is replaced by Coraline for all sites previously using Cutline.

    Where did my Widgets go?

    Update: (08/19/10 01:30 UTC) We’ve now finished restoring missing widgets to the affected sites.

    Most Cutline sites were moved to Coraline with widgets and theme modifications intact. If you don’t see your widgets, they might be in Appearance > Widgets under “Inactive Widgets” below “Available Widgets” – you might have to scroll down to see it.

    Where did my header image go?
    Coraline allows you to upload a custom image (just like Cutline). If you’d previously uploaded a custom image, that header image should still be intact. If you’d like to use the default Cutline image (the one picturing a city street), you can download it here and upload it as a custom image via Appearance > Header.

    Can you help with my Custom CSS?
    We’re happy to help you transition your Custom CSS from Cutline to Coraline. Please see these instructions for updating your Custom CSS to work with Coraline. Let us know if you run into any problems and we’ll lend a hand.

    Update (08/10/2010 03:15 GMT): It looks like more sites were affected by dropped widgets than we thought. We’re very sorry for the confusion and trouble this caused.

    Our goal was not to alarm you or make you think we don’t care — we do care. Making themes better for is what we do. And, we hear you loud and clear that next time something like this comes up we should do a lot better at notifying everyone well beforehand.

    Update (08/12/10 17:00 UTC) We’re working on restoring all your missing widgets. We’ll update this thread when we’re finished restoring widgets to all sites.

    Update (08/13/10 03:00 UTC) The backups are still running, but it’s a very slow process unfortunately. If you are still missing widgets, please let us know—we can check your site for you and get your widgets back sooner rather than later.

    Update: (08/19/10 01:30 UTC) We’ve now finished restoring missing widgets to the affected sites.

  • Trouble dragging widgets to restore. Ideas?

  • I’m not sure if you want feedback here, but I thought I’d offer some. If it’s not appropriate I imagine it won’t show up.

    I am among the many who were taken by surprise. Although it may seem like water under the bridge, I would find it helpful if you would describe the actions to you took to notify people of the impending change. I have seen (after the fact) the sticky post about CSS users and Cutline, but even if I had see it before, this would not have alerted me. I’m not a CSS user, and as someone else said elsewhere, I don’t have the technical sophistication to understand the import of the message.

    I would find it helpful if someone would take responsiblity for not having managed the communication well. I don’t mean that an individual identified, but it’s remarkable to me how much difference it makes if someone says–even after the fact–something like “though we tried, we see now that we didn’t do enough.” If nothing else, this reassures people like me that it won’t happen exactly this way again. As it is, you are making it seem as though you do not understand why so many people were caught unprepared. (It really would have made a big difference to have notice so that one could save screen shots, settings, etc.)

    Finally, perhaps you should stop insisting that Coraline is an improvement on Cutline. Obviously people have different opinions about this and your insistence that it is better makes me (and I’ll be others) feel like you are not paying attention to what we are saying. I’m particularly unhappy about the appearance of the tag cloud, which has so much wasted space compared to the tag cloud from Cutline or, say, from the WordPress blog. Is there a chance this might be fixed or is this a stylistic choice?

  • Yikes. Trying to edit already published posts. The only way I’ve been able to do it is to use a pull down to get to post list and click edit in there. Is there a more direct way?

  • While restoring old widgets is still problematic for me, I managed to get the calendar up and it’s HUGE. Much too big, had to put it in footer area, but no one is going to know it’s there. Any way to edit it – as julie above said – too much wasted space.

    I like as many widgets as possible to be visible on first page view or at least within first PAGE DOWN.

    Ah well . . .

  • I have Cutline installed on this site:

    I want to upgrade to Coraline, but can’t seem to find it anywhere! Where can I activate and/or download it? It’s not coming up in search.

  • I’m having the same problem as blindcavefish. Coraline is nowhere to be found on the site. It won’t come up in a search, and it’s not listed on the newest site page. How do we find it?????

  • Now I’m happy with Coraline, having learned why all my widgets had “disappeared”.

    My question is how can I edit or remove the tagline above my banner? I can’t find this tagline anywhere on my profile (though I do know I created it when I first started this blog), and the option to not display text on the homepage prevents my blog name from being in its prominent spot. If I could resolve this, I will be happier! Thanks.

  • I wholeheartedly and completely agree with you, Julie Shapiro. I was so taken by surprise and shock. This upcoming change should have been clearly communicated with users. I was writing a post and once it was published, noticed that my blog no longer looked like my blog! This kind of abrupt changes is not okay without clear and advance notice to alert all bloggers. I am really disappointed and unhappy with

  • Try looking under Settings —> General :)

  • I posted this in one of the earlier threads, but I think it got lost in the deluge. Only staff can handle this, and I fear it may apply only to me. I’ve got a problem with the quirky behavior of Coraline blockquotes

    Coraline automatically puts block–quoted text in italics, as did Cutline which I used to use. To avoid the italics, I always “normalize” the text within blockquote codes like this:

    <blockquote><span style="font-style:normal;">TEXT</span></blockquote>

    Although I “normalize” blockquoted material, in Cutline I’ve always been able to italicize some words within blockquotes by using the “em” codes. The problem is that this doesn’t work in Coraline. To get around this glitch in Coraline within blockquoted text, I’ve tried shutting off the “normalization” code just before using the “em” codes, and then turning it on again, like this:

    normal text </span><em>ITALIC TEXT</em><span style="font-style:normal;"> normal text

    But that doesn’t work. However, this clumsy solution does work in Coraline (we’re still talking about text within “normalized” blockquotes):

    normal text </span><span style="font-style:italic;">ITALIC TEXT</span><span style="font-style:normal;"> normal text

    The remaining problem is with old posts that were done while using Cutline. Lots of them have some italicized words within a blockquote. At this point it’s impossible to go back to find and fix those things. So unless Coraline can be tweaked to have its blockquote feature work as it did in Cutline, I’ll be stuck with this problem in older posts. Can this be fixed?

  • I keep trying to change it to the darker theme, without success. I’m following the process outlined on the front, but it’s still not working. Any help would be greatly appreciated…

  • I am very fed up – I can’t make my old widgets work despite following the instructions and some info is just lost.

    As others have said, we should have been told in advance – and much more help now needs to be available to sort this mess out.

  • Hi there, how do you change the size of the tags below? They seem much larger on the new version than they were before.

    Thank you!

  • All is well now, but was a little freaked out at first. Would like to request that in the future to please send an email to all users of the theme when you are going to change.
    Thank you for free WordPress. It is still the best free auto blogging framework out there!

  • With Coraline Front Page becomes Home, sidebars disappear, text color becomes grey and an edit line appears under each post. Can anyone reading my blog see that edit line and use it?!

    How do I get all my widgets and sidebars back?

    I am not at all cyber-savvy and find this really distressing because I fear I will lose things I can’t get back. Couldn’t figure out what was “wrong” and thought blog was in peril.

  • While most Cutline users had all their settings transferred over seamlessly a number of you had their widgets deactivated in the switch and moved to the Inactive Widget pane just below the Available Widgets in Appearance > Widgets (you’ll have to scroll down to see it). We’re really sorry about this interruption in your blogging. All the settings should still be intact but if you have any issues getting your widgets back into your sidebar please let us know about it and we’ll do what we can to get things sorted out for you.

    If you notice any theme wonkiness of any sort with Coraline—including styling issues—let us know about that too and we’ll get Coraline updated as soon as we can.

  • I also agree with julieshapiro. What she said. And what anushayspoint said, and what annsullivangallery said.

    If you guys can change our themes out from under us without notice and then announce it after the fact, I’m sure an announcement could equally well be made prior to the change.

    I love and I agree it’s one of the best (if not the best) free blogging platforms available. So I thank you for that. I really do appreciate you and your work, truly.

    I just think that making what feels to me like arbitrary changes to my own blog without me and only advising us afterwards was unnecessarily harsh, when it’s just as easy to alert us beforehand the same way – with a public announcement.

    Please consider announcing future changes like these beforehand? Thank you.

  • Oh, wonkiness feedback – on the image pages, clicking on an (unattached) image results in another (unrelated, possibly random, sometimes attached, sometimes previous, sometimes later) image page instead of the image alone, is there a reason for this?

  • Disclaimer again (as I mentioned on another thread): I didn’t used Cutline. I use PressRow and understand that is doomed, so I’m concerned. But really I’d be concerned no matter what theme I was using.

    Seconding what ladylubyanka said two comments up. I really like WordPress. I can set up extremely good-looking blogs, there’s a lot more functionality than I’ll ever have the technical chops to exploit, and I like the community of users and the fact that staff are so responsive on the Forum. It’s amazing that all this is free, when I think about it. But that just makes the lack of advance notice that much more bewildering. Letting people know what’s afoot (and by “people” I mean everybody, not just Custom CSS users) is just simple courtesy, and it’s really out of character for WordPress not to treat us with that courtesy.

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