Cut & paste word doc

  • Hi, I am very new to this, so bear with me if this is an obvious question: How do I cut & paste an existing word doc. to one of my pages?
    I tried, and document became completely distorted; all spacing out of sync etc.

  • Yes, it does that. Word puts in all kinds of weird HTML you can’t see, so it generally has this effect. It is STRONGLY recommended that you do not use Word for this very reason.

    We generally recommend that you use an offline blog editor like Blogdesk or paste into Notepad, which strips all HTML and all formatting from the post. Then you can copy the Notepad version and paste it in. If formatting is important, download Blogdesk and use that instead.

  • In the visual editor, there’s a “show/hide advanced toolbar” button. Click it, and underneath there is a “paste from Word” button. That should do a better job with the formatting, though it still won’t be perfect.

    As raincoaster said, it’s generally better not to write a post in Word (or any word-processor) first, as they all have different standards… Notepad is much better.

    Why not to use Word

  • Thanks for that….a very steep learning curve ahead!

  • I have the Notepad that came with Windows XP and after we save it, I have to close the pad and then open it up again and then everything is fine.

  • A lot of you folk just getting started at this – at least in a serious way – would really benefit if you installed Notepad++ or PSPad (or both:) ) They are just too cool.

  • Most text editors do their own funky things with the text.

    My wife likes to write in MS Word, so I simply take that doc and copy and paste it into TextPad.

    TextPad is a 3d party text editor with a lot of extra features that are perfect for blogging. kinda like Notepad on steroids, lol.

  • Notepad++ is good. I use it on Windows to edit xml files.

    Emacs (under Linux) rocks though. But that is really geeky…

  • I had not received a reply on a previous threat, so I did some more research. I read the above questions, answers and opinions. I am not sure whether Note Pad ++ or Text Pad would be best for my purposes.

    As I shared on a previous thread, Word 97 quit opening for me after I got back from the holiday break. I used to develop my posts in Word 97 and then copy and paste the finished post into the WordPress — new post feature. I never ran into formatting problems when using the copy and paste of my postsin Word 97 to then publish the material in WordPress. I would really like to find a replacement for Word 97 so that I could continue to copy and paste posts with out running into formatting conflicts when copying the material into and then publishing my posts on Can I use either Word Pad ++ or Text Pad for the purpose I used Word 97 until Word 97 stopped working.

    I would really appreciate as much detail in your reply as I am a traumatic brain injury survivor and I learn best through details.

    Thank you for your time and kindness.


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