Customize My Theme

  • Hello,

    How can I update or upload my CSS for my blog?
    How can I customize my theme?
    Is it possible to have Home Page for my blog?
    Thank you..

    Michael Sync

  • only one answer …. + hosting

  • >>How can I update or upload my CSS for my blog?

    You can’t at the moment.

    >>How can I customize my theme?

    We’re not allowed to customize our themes beyond adding Sidebar Widgets to some of the supplied themes, so no customizing themes. There are a few threads concerning this already. Search using the word “customize”.

    >>Is it possible to have Home Page for my blog?

    Your homepage is right here: If you want something beyond that, as suggested above, you’ll need to get your own web host and host your own copy of WordPress on it. You can download that from is pretty much a no hassle blogging solution for people that don’t want to pay for a host of their own (or aren’t technically inclined to do a WordPress install on a host).

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