Customize Homepage

  • Hello, I have been using WordPress for a while now but I still cannot figure out how to customize my home page on my site. All of my blog posts are on my home page but that’s not how I want it because I have a separate page on the menu where I will have my blog posts. I want my home page to be a more general introduction to the site. How can I customize it in this way?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I have been using WordPress for a while now but I still cannot figure out how to customize my home page on my site.

    You can customize all the web pages of your website, including Home page, using Customizer. Here is the support page that will help you use it:

    All of my blog posts are on my home page but that’s not how I want it because I have a separate page on the menu where I will have my blog posts. I want my home page to be a more general introduction to the site. How can I customize it in this way?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    For this type of customization, you will again require Customizer and have to set a static Home page. Here is the support document that will get you through this feature:

    Hope this helps! :)

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