customize headers

  • sorry for the blank post. Just wondering if there is a tutorial for customing my title/header with my own picture.

    thank you

  • There isn’t ….

    Upload an image, the sizes are:
    Ambiru: 500*225
    Benevolence: 700*225
    Blix: 690*115
    Connections: 741*143
    Contempt: 750*140
    Neat: 700*200
    and use the cropping tool.

  • you should read the wordpress news in your dashboard, thr’s a post abt customised headers.

  • Although the croping tool is used for the headers above there is another header Podz didn’t list and which you don’t use the cropping tool for.

    Regulus 730*140 pixels (P.S. I use “paint” to size my Regulus headers).

  • thank you! appreciate the info about upload sizes. The current problem I’m having is, uploading an image, 500×120, around 39 kb. It seems that it wants me to crop before my final image. The cropping tool still only allows me to crop a portion of my image, not the whole image. If I don’t crop, I get a black image. I’ve tried resizing numerous times in PSE 4 for the various templates that accept customized headers (and all have crop tool). I am missing something I’m sure. I will try the Regulus dimensions above and hopefully bypass the cropping tool.

  • regulus is great because you don’t have to crop, but you do have to link it from a photo sharing site like flickr and that’s a bit of a nuisance compared to the other themes which only need uploading, as thr were many users who experienced problems when trying to link the image to appear in their header. if you follow podz measurements for the theme and edit your header in paint, the cropping tool will fit exactly when you upload it. just make sure to stretch the cropping tool properly, it works really.

  • sulz – that’s not quite true. You can upload your Regulus header here. Just upload it like you would any other picture, then copy the link location and paste it into the address for the header (be careful not to copy the thumbnail link). That’s how I got my header here.

  • oo, didn’t realise that – i don’t upload pictures here except headers.

  • I was able to get the regulus header to work, thank you. I have written down the specific sizes for the other headers, that’s great info to have. When I have more time I will play around with it. thanks for everyone’s help :-)

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