Customize header in Andreas09 template.

  • What is the CSS code to customized my header using Andreas09 template?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • If you do not already know CSS, do not buy the upgrade. If you have bought the upgrade, ask for a refund.

    There is really no hand-holding for CSS available at all. YOu are basically totally on your own with it.

  • @annedran, putting a custom header in a flexible width theme is quite tricky and will always look odd with any sort of photographic image. That is why you will typically see a simple repeating graphic as a header on a flexible width theme since it has to be able to grow and contract with the browser window width.

    Andreas04 and 09 are even more difficult since the entire blog background and header are one image that is 1px wide by 800px tall and it is repeated in the x direction. Below that 1px wide x 800px tall image, the background color blends into the bottom edge of the image so it appears seamless.

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