Customize front page — adding images

  • I’m looking to add the image from my post to the front page blog roll. Is there an easy way to customize the front page CSS to include the image from the actual post page?

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you !

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Arcane doesn’t have an option to include a featured image with the excerpts, and that isn’t something you can easily do with CSS.

    If you need featured images displayed on the blog page, you might be better off choosing a theme that offers that ability. If you’d like any assistance choosing another theme, just let me know.

    Another possibility would be to use the Display Posts shortcode on a static page and set your front page to that page. You would need to use CSS to style the shortcode output so that it looks more like what you have now, but it’s a possibility you might like to explore. You could set up a test page (not linked to from anywhere, or set to draft) to experiment, if you wanted.

    Just let me know if you need further help.

  • Thank you for your response. I’ve experimented with so many other themes and I just don’t like any of them as much as this one. I like everything else about Arcane except the front page posts (not including images). I’ll play around with shortcode and see if it’s something that could work. Thank you again very much!

  • Sounds good! If you need any help styling the shortcode output, feel free to start a new thread and we’ll be glad to help.

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