Customizations Possible?

  • Hi All —

    I want to do a major blog re-vamp, and customize my blog to better reflect me, and I’d like something more unique.

    I’m not nuts on any of the standard themes, and I don’t know much; if anything about css.

    because of the amount of pgaes linked to me, I don’t want to switch to wordpress,con or any other blog site..

    I *think* the customizations I want are fairly simple to someone who’d know what they are doing..

    –I’d like a 2 column theme, blog on the right as it is now..

    –A Custom Header ( which I’d design)

    –And I’d like to customize the background colors… I don’t like harsh white backgrounds as they are hard on the eyes. But I still would like to keep it fairly simple, since my blog is so image oriented.

    SO my question is this:

    Are there any editable themes that would allow these customizations? I don’t want to purchase the upgrade, without knowing what I am doing.

    And where do I find someone to help with the customizations? I’m willing to pay a reasonable amount for the help — but clueless where to find someone. A Bonus would be someone who could help me customize it further, since I am an artist.. a nicely desgined blog would be a huge bonus.

    Thanks for any help!

  • Purchasing the css upgrade is not reommended unless you have css editing experience.
    There is no staff support for learning css.
    Staff will not fix what you muck up.
    Occasionally other blogger with such experience drop in and lend a hand.

    This is a useful overview personalizing your blog and css customization

    Also note that we cannot negotiate business transactions and advertise job opportunities on these forums.

  • chrysti

    Join the CSS-discussion list:
    Help comes by e-mail but its a busy list so be aware of that.

    <quote timetheif>
    Staff will not fix what you muck up.
    Oh I don’t know about that, maybe a moderator will clarify. I have yet to find support here unhelpful and it something that we have to pay for (upgrades)

  • The lack of staff support for learning css customization is clearly stated in the FAQs.There Mark has also supplied css resources
    further resources for learning css are found in the sticky posts at the head of the css forum too.

    Staff will repair anything that becomes a problem caused from the end end but they will not repair the css errors bloggers make. This is clear. The service you purchase is the ability to edit your css on one blog for one year – yourself.

    And we are agreed that Support here is great. The turnaround time is much quicker that on other blogging platforms and this is partly due to unpaid volunteer support. :)

    When it comes to css help cornell is sometimes available, devblog is sometimes available and occasionally sunburntkamel and atthe404 are available to help. They are all volunteering their time to help fellow blogger. None of them are on staff.

  • I advised the member join CSS-Discuss
    there was nothing more to add in my opinion.

    Best if the poster learns CSS.

  • <quote timetheif>
    Staff will not fix what you muck up.
    Oh I don’t know about that, maybe a moderator will clarify.

    @julienne: While you have been playing grab ass – timethief has helped thousands of com bloggers in these forums and she knows about a gazillion times more than you do. You need to cut it out pronto before you get smacked upside your head by the big guys.

  • Learning CSS isn’t an option for me right now, or I would. I simply don’t have the time available. I don’t want, or expect staff to fix anything i ‘muck up’ as I will not be playing with it; admittedly, this is not my realm of expertise.

    I was asking, if any of the themes are in fact editable, to the specifications I had stated… It would be silly of me, to spend hours searching for someone to help… only to find out those things I wanted were not even within the realm of possibility.

    I don’t know where to start to look for someone to help or hire with the CSS cusomizations on wordpress. I have not purchased the upgrade as i stated earlier, because I do not know. I was simply hoping for a recommendation as to where to start or find such people.

    I would ideally like to keep my blog here, hence asking for suggestions or advice.

  • @chrysti:
    To prevent embarrassing bidding wars, and also to prevent any pro web devs being accused of solicting business why not just publish your email address in a non machine readable form? eg (whatever AT wherever dot com) .Then that way the thread can be closed and the pros can contact you. This is what happens at WP org and it works pretty well. But what you seem to need is pretty straight forward in CSS terms.

  • I think you’d get a better answer to your question, which I don’t think is actually about CSS is it?, in a non-CSS forum!

  • Thanks atthe, I appreciate it…

    khryctee AT …

  • @chrysti If you could live with three columns, all the other changes you want are available for free with the Garland theme. It’s the only one where you can change the colours.

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