custom header question from newbie

  • Hello,
    I’m brand new to WordPress (and any kind of web/blog building tool). I have some questions about themes: (1) I want to use one of the themes that support custom headers so I can use my company logo. In the WP support pages I found a list of these themes and a link to download their headers. Would I want to download the existing header to use as a size template for creating my own? (2) Can I insert my logo into an existing header, save it, then upload it w/this modification? (3) Can I set a static page (rather than a blog post) to be the default display when my URL is accessed? (4) Can I use only static pages if I want, or do I have to have a blog post type page? I’m creating more of a web site than a blog. Thank you for any assistance and any tips related to what I’m asking that you think might apply. Sincerely, JustYouImagine

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • 1) they’re only downloadable in case you want to use those ones in future. You’ll have to upload from your computer, so the header has to get onto your computer somehow.

    2) yes, you’d open the file in a graphic editing program and add it that way.

    3) yes, you’d do that under Dashboard->Settings->General, but it WILL interfere with your search engine attractiveness and probably annoy regulars, who prefer to go straight to the posts.

    4) yes, but the above applies, in spades. If you build your entire site in pages rather than posts, you’re essentially going to be dead to Google. And there is NO way of converting, short of copy/pasting, adding tags and categories, and then the title to each individual page/post.

  • Thank you very much for these answers – they will guide my planning.

    After I’ve added my own logo and company name to the existing, downloaded header, can I use that whole image on a business card? That is, are these ‘free’ customizable headers copyrighted by the designers who make them or can members use them as part of their other marketing materials to match the look of their blog?

  • I don’t know; for that, I think you should ask staff directly

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