Custom Email Not Working (Google Apps/Hostgator)

  • My domain name ( is registered here at, but I moved my blog to a self-hosted Hostgator installation a few months back. Shortly after that, my Google Apps email accounts stopped working and always return the ‘technical details of a permanent failure’ message.

    Additionally, my custom email address in the Hostgator cPanel randomly quit working after about a week and I really have no idea what could have caused any of this.

    I contacted Hostgator support and they said that they resolved the issue by adding a few things to my MX records, but the only thing that happened was that the error message stopped sending; still couldn’t receive email.

    I returned to HG support with my problem and they pretty much told me “Well, that should have fixed it. Thanks for choosing Hostgator!” So it looks like they can’t do anything/it’s not an issue with Hostgator.

    I was thinking that the problem might have something to do with my domain being hosted on; maybe the DNS records are conflicting or something — I really have no idea. I removed all of the Google Apps DNS settings to see if at least the Hostgator webmail app would work, but still nothing.

    Would you guys be able to help me at all?

    (Additional details: CloudFlare, and Hostgator all have their own DNS/MX record settings, but I’m pretty sure that CloudFlare overrides most of that.)
    Blog url:

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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