Custom designs

  • Hi,

    I’ve bought a custom design tool but I’m having some problems with it.

    When I change the color of the header text, appear a message that it’s ok, but it doesn’t change, its still white.

    When I try to change the fonts sometimes happen the same thing, with source type and size too.

    What happens? The tool is with problems?

    Another question I have is how to change the design of the footer of my theme, its like this now:, but I’d like that could be like this:



    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Alex!

    Can you explain a bit more about what you’re trying to change to white? Are you looking to change your post titles like “TRABALHO HOJE X TRABALHO ANTIGAMENTE”? This is likely not saving because the background is white. When you try to save a white text to a white background, the changes revert themselves so that the text remains readable. However, just let me know what colors you’re looking to change, and I’ll be happy to help out!

    Regarding the footer, in order to have it display like the theme demo, you will just need to spread your widgets out amongst the three footer areas here:

    Currently, all of your widgets are in Footer One as shown here:

    Spreading them out amongst Footer Two and Footer Three should give you the look you’re going for!

  • Hi jeremeylduvall,

    When I said header text, is about “Alex de Alexandria”, the text in the blog is in white but I want to change to black, because how you can see it´s unreadable.

    When I try to change the fonts sometimes happen the same thing, with source type and size too, it doesn´t change. What´s the problem?

    Thank you about the footer.

    Awaiting a response.

  • Hey Alex,

    Is this more what you’re looking for?

    If so, you can use this CSS in your CSS tab (Appearance -> Customize -> CSS):

    .site-header {
    	color: #000;
    .site-header {
    	color: #000;

    Regarding the fonts, I’ve played around with your “Fonts” tab adjusting the Headings and Body text. Both seem to be responsive to changes in font size as shown here:

    Is that not working on your side?

  • Hi jeremeylduvall,

    Ok, the way using CSS worked, but can I understand why whith the custom tool didn´t work? After all I paid for the tool and I can want use it for other changes.

    About fonts I still having problems.
    See how I’ve customized and saved:

    Now see how it appear in blog when I close the custom tool:

    How you can see the fonts in the header and in the body site don´t stay how I´ve saved.

    Thanks for your help so far,
    waiting for other replies.

  • Hi Alex!

    I apologize for the frustration. It looks like this might be a slight bug in the theme. I’ve reported it to our theme developers, and I will let you know as soon as I know more.

    In the meantime, I’ve added this bit of CSS to help fix the issue temporarily:

    .wf-active .widget .widget-title {
    font-size: 1.4rem; 

    That should temporarily revert the widget titles to the size you’re looking for. This is only a temporary fix. You will not need to use CSS going forward once the Customizer is working properly!

  • Hi jeremeylduvall,

    Thank you for your help. I’ve just imagined that the problem would be in the theme/template.

    But the problem I told you is not just with the size of the fonts but with the font type too. How you can see in the images I sent you, in the header, the text “Alex de Alexandria” was saved with fertigo pro script and “profissionalismo, propósito, qualidade de vida, saúde e cultura” was saved with ff basic ghotic, but when I close the custom tool the both texts appear with fertigo pro script in the blog, did you understand?

    What can I do while I wait for solution of the theme? Maybe be a alternative using CSS.

    Thanks, awaiting for other replies.

  • Hi Alex,

    It looks like you have since adjusted this to Arimo. I went and added some additional CSS to make this switch for your Site Description. It’s working correctly on my side. Can you check this out on your side and see if it’s working correctly?

  • Hi jeremeylduvall,

    I’ve used the CSS to change the size of the text “profissionalismo, propósito, qualidade de vida, saúde e cultura”, following more or less the examples you sent me, because by using custom tool wasn’t possible.

    What you’ve done is ok, it’s working correctly now. Thank you for a while!

    Do you now when I’m gonna have answers about the theme problems and use custom tool without no problems?

  • Hi Alex,

    I don’t have an update as to when this will be fixed, but it shouldn’t be too long. I’ll let you know as soon as the Customizer tool should be working again!

  • Hi jeremeylduvall,

    Ok, thanks you! So the problem is with the theme/template or with the customizer tool?

  • The issue is likely with some of the attributes of the theme, but it should be fixed shortly!

  • Hi there,

    The issue should now be fixed. Please confirm that it’s working for you, and let us know if you run into any other problems.

  • Hi michiecat,

    For a while that’s ok. Awaiting to solve the issue.

    Thank you!

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