Custom CSS STILL working sporadically

  • I’ve sent two support emails on this issue which have gone unanswered (except for an initial “did it resolve itself?” from podz). PLEASE, someone from support help. It’s four days now I have this problem, and for a paid feature I was hoping for better response.

    To recap:
    I purchased Custom CSS on Tuesday. The CSS I have created saves and works correctly, but my site only loads it sporadically; sometimes it works, sometimes not. This has been confirmed cross browser, cross systems, cross the country (other users). Caches have been emptied, cookies deleted.

    SOMETHING on the backend is causing WordPress to randomly think I have NOT purchased the CSS upgrade, and thus not display it. It always works in the “Preview” and the Upgrade panel always shows corectly that I have purchased it.


  • I apologise – I have flagged this for investigation and I’ll see it is addressed.

  • Any update on this? It’s still happening…

  • Update? Please? It’s been over a week now since I purchased Custom CSS and this hasn’t been resolved.

  • You can get in touch with Podz direct at; if you still don’t get any joy head for the top and try Matt at (email visible only to moderators and staff).

  • Wank, thanks…I have contacted the support email directly, I’m just oddly not getting much help.

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