Currently: Blog problems

  • OK, with Firefox 3 and Windows XP, the browser uploader now works for me as well; the Flash one is still glitching.

  • I am using firefox for OSX and am getting the same http error even after clearing my cache.

  • I just switched over to Internet Explorer (god help me, it was like using an abacus) and my pic uploaded with Flash. Still problems with Firefox, though.

  • We are currently working to resolve some new issues with the Media Uploader; I will post back when a fix is in place. Sorry for the troubles.

  • After some magic, the media uploader should be working again. If you still experience the problem, please contact support so that we can investigate further.

  • Hooray for magic! It’s working for me! Thanks!

  • so does this have anything to do with the problems I’m having uploading a pic? because I just tried again and still couldn’t do it… under “my profile” i am trying to change my gravatar….any idea why the comp goes buck whenever I try to upload a different pic?

  • I’m not sure if this is because of the general dashboard problems, but I’ve just published a post and it refuses to appear on the main page, and instead a ‘page not found’ error comes up (although accessible on the date published in the calendar widget). I tried to change the number of posts viewed per page, and it only shows the an earlier post and the ones from before that. I tried to publish a new post, and the same thing keeps happening. Is there a problem with viewing published posts on the home page?

  • Are posts effected? Look at my page and your see what I mean:

  • I have had problems ever since I started working on my new blog three days ago with both the gravator and with uploading an image to represent me. The gravator refuses to change as risalictman said, (and I did clear my cache and try again). The over-large G logo thing hovers over they surrounding type and refuses to go away.

    Also, I uploaded the picture I wanted as my own image, but wordpress is still using that lace doily to represent me. I don’t see any place to “save” or “install image” or any thing that denotes closure on that image.

  • Forgot to say, the personal image also hovers over type and will not go away. The problem is on the settings page and prevents me from setting the clock and date.

  • HELP!!!!~~~~~~~~~~ when i log in wordpress wanting to do a new post, all the wordings of the menu are in non-english language. except the contents of my blog is in english, can wordpress master help me out?~ i have set preferred language to english, and yet still see those non-english language menus.

  • @dancingkueen: Please give the URL of your blog when you ask a question here.

    You can set the “Interface Language” under My Account > Edit Profile.

  • Trying to upload a picture and it just tries to load the gravator forever…been trying for days with no luck?

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