Cubic Theme – Primary menu not hidden

  • Hi,

    I love the Cubic Theme but don’t like menus that are always hidden in the hamburger menu. Is there a way to add an option to hide or unhide the primary menu?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @stevencurtis, Cubic doesn’t have a traditional sideways menu built in. Sorry about that! I did take a look through for similar themes.

    If you want to just display photos and don’t care about linking to blog posts, you could do this with several themes — any that support blocks.

    If you want to show featured images that link to posts, hopefully that feature will appear in blocks soon. For now though, this theme is almost the same, but with a non-burger menu:

    It is not free, but if you opt to buy it instead of upgrading to a plan that includes it, you do only need to purchase it once.

    Hoping this helps!

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