Cubic theme, How do I make feature photo full in square?

  • How do I make the feature photo to fill up the whole square like it does on the example shown for the theme?

    The picture I have used is 1080px wide, does it need to be a square in proportion?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Images that are 4:3 ratio (width to height) or lower tend to work best to fill the square. Let me know hhow it goes.

  • I struggled with this also, even though many people offered excellent help for the problem. Finally, I sized my Featured images to squares (same size pixels on all 4 sides). Portrait and Landscape images are actually rectangles, so they will leave those black bars on the images. Sizing to squares solved it for me. Cubic theme needs square-sized Featured images.

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