Cubic theme featured image not showing in grid

  • The featured images I have set for different posts don’t show up on the grid, instead the first image I uploaded to the posts are shown on the grid.
    Are there any specific settings I need to change for the featured image to work as the image on the grid?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    At Customize > Content Options > Featured Images, make sure that the boxes are checked that correspond to the locations where you’d like featured images to be displayed, e.g. “Display on blog and archives” and “Display single posts.”

    Another possible cause of the results that you’re obtaining might be if the featured images set on posts are of insufficient size. The Quick Specs section of the Cubic theme guide says (dimenstions in pixels):

    Featured Images are 2000 wide by 1500 high.

  • Thank you so much! I missed the “Display on blog and archives” option.

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