CSS Stopped Working Randomly??

  • Hi guys,

    So I had my website colours and everything set up how I wanted them and they have been working fine, then this morning I went and added a new code or two. and then I changed the colour in the “Palette” setting of my theme.. once I did this some of my CSS is not working.

    It shows correctly in my CSS editor and looks how it should, but when i exit it goes away?

    Like my site title and menu are now black instead of the greeny blue colour and there are two sections in my footer that have gone grey instead of white??

    I don’t understand why or how to fix it as it is displaying normal on my editor :(

    PS I also noticed it was doing something new and showing my page revisions straight away- has there been an upgrade of some sort that could be affecting this?

    Thanks :)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, I see this is marked as resolved, and it appears the issues you mentioned are now corrected. If not, or if you have additional questions, please let us know.

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