CSS edite sub lapsed, changes went!

  • Hello, loves,

    You may castigate me for not searching, but look, there are a couple of elements in my question and I don’t know how to combine them to search. Here’s the deal: last year I subscribed to the feature that let me edit the built-in programming in the theme used in my blog. It lapsed, but no worries, thought I, because the blog is fine as far as looks go and future improvements were going to be content.

    But the coverage lapsed, and my changes have disappeared! I don’t know if it’s even related! If it is related, is all the work gone forever? It was a lot! I don’t know if I have the heart to do it again!! (I did it a very laborious, not good programming skills way, sort of by elimination, step by step, it took weeks to change colors!) (I’m trying to be brave!)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • If you let your CSS upgrade lapse, the theme returns to the default.

    Whether it is gone forever or not I don’t know. Go to appearance > edit CSS and it it is still listed there in the CSS edit window, copy it out and into a plain text file just in case.

  • Well, I did that–do you think the code written there in Edit CSS is the code I fixed, or the code I have now, what it defaulted to? I presume you meant the former, but I might not have been clear in my original statement of the problem. My sub lapsed, for sure.

    Wow, in all the little notices that popped up, if they had once said that the theme would return to the default, I would have renewed!

    So I’ll renew my sub. I don’t feel so challenged now. At least I know what happened.

    Thank you, Sacred Path. Happy Labor Day.

  • Looking at it, I think that’s the ‘fixed code,’ the one that lapsed, because in all the jumble I recognize the font Papyrus that I changed the header to, and which it isn’t now in the default version. On that more cheerful note, I think it’s time for a glass of vino! Cheers!

  • It is probably the code you fixed. You can click on the “preview” button and it will show you one way or another. I don’t think wordpress deletes the stuff, it just doesn’t apply it if the upgrade lapses.

  • All fixed, Sacred Path! All I had to do was renew the sub! Nor am I complaining–that little chump change is worth the services one gets here, considering just Akismet alone, not to mention the many other superior wordpress features. Thank you so much for your help.

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