• Hi, I’m new to wordpress and I have read other posts regarding editting CSS and Templates. I finally managed to figure out how to view my CSS and Template coding. However, despite making changes to these and saving it there seems to be no difference in my template layout or visuals.

    Do I need to download worpdress and run it off my own server to be able to do this or am I doing this the wrong way?

    The method I use is:

    Whilst on my site I “view source” and there comes my template. I was hoping that editting this will make changes to my template.

    Then within that template there is a like to my CSS file which when I copy and paste into the URL opens my CSS coding. I make changes to this and save it.

    The two main changes I want to make is:

    1. To have: “Posted by testeeng in Uncategorized. 1 comment so far” at the end of the post, rather than at the beginning.

    2. To be able to Justify the text for my posts through my CSS coding.

    Any help on this would be great as I am totally new to wordpress and not that much of an expert in HTML or CSS.

    I’m sorry if this topic has been discussed elsewhere, I know that the method of justifying text has been mentioned but I don’t know how to save the changes.

    Thanks in advance for all the help.


  • “Do I need to download worpdress and run it off my own server to be able editting CSS and Templates?”


  • This is covered in the pink sticky at the top of the forum as well. :)

  • One other note: Viewing your source code or calling up your style sheet in your browser, then attempting to edit it will not work.

    Whether you are using WP.com or your own paid hosting that method will not work. And BTW that isn’t your “template” you view when looking at the source.

    It’s the html output of the template.

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