Crossed a WordPress hosted blog with personal hosed blog

  • Hi,

    I had a free WordPress blog account ( that I never really used. I then installed a verson of WordPress on my personal website ( I’ve been using it without problem, until today. In the WordPress version installed on my personal website, under the “Options” tab, under “General”, I changed the “WordPress address” value from “” to “”. I didn’t realize it would change my website version to reference the WordPress hosted version. I immediately tried to change it back, but I get an error message that says “Sorry, you need to enable sending referrers for this feature to work.”. I believe the setting I am trying to change on my website version is actually being submitted to the WordPress hosted verion, hence the error. How do I fix this issue? Please help!!! I’ve been trying for 2 hours, and I can’t figure out how to do it.

    Many thanks in advance for any help.


  • You’ll have to do this through the database. Tutorial here: – and for further problems with self-hosted blogs, please post at, thanks!

  • victoriacarolina – many thanks! that was easy, and a new lesson learned.

    stay well.


  • Moving your WordPress Comments to a New Site

    I just figured this out for a friend.

    Some templates don’t have an RSS feed. Just switch your theme temporarily to Regulus 2

    ( Presentation>Themes) . That template has it as a menu option on the right side bar. But I also think it installs the files needed to use the straight links I describe below.

    So for example. I just moved all the posts from: to

    In your adminstration panel of the source blog:
    Option>Reading – Set Syndication Feeds to as many posts you want to dump. You can choose full text or summary.

    Load your feed page
    At least in Mozilla, a new page comes up that starts with it comes up in a browser window. The first two lines of the page are:
    <!– generator=”wordpress/MU” –>
    − <rss version=”2.0″>

    Save that page. File>Save As…Choose File type “WebPage MXL”

    If the page doesn’t appear, change the theme as explained above to one that does have an RSS feature like Regulus 2

    Now. Go to your new hosted website
    In my case To

    Go into your admin panel

    Do Import – and click Import from RSS Feeds. You should get something like: (it may take awhile)

    · Importing post…Done !
    · Importing post…Done !
    · Importing post…Post already imported
    · Importing post…Post already imported

    You can also import comments by doing the same routine
    Load your feed page

    But when you import it from Options-Reading Options as I explained above, it imports them as posts.

    The following does another dump. I’m not sure what that’s for.

    Compliments of cliff at

  • Hey all,

    Brand spanking newbie here…

    I have (in my confusion, and as a result of my privately hosted and the WP hosted versions of WP looking identical) created a WordPress hosted account and a private account.

    How do I go about setting the account to redirect to my privately hosted one?


  • Luke – quite simply you can’t. The account is specifically for your blog.

    Best suggestion (if you don’t want to use any more is to write a post that tells people you’re now blogging on your private domain and give them the URL.


  • That’s pretty sucky…
    And not terribly well documented or explained during the sign-up process…

    I thought that the options available were:

    • WordPress blog hosted by WordPress.
      Only having a address.
    • WordPress blog hosted on personal server.
      Having a address which redirected to the private address.


    Oh well, I’ll work around it, but, as I said, not terribly well explained, especially as some plugins need you yo have an API key, which only seems to be issued when you use a hosted blog.

    This site/service has a fair way to go before I would use “intuitive” as a word to describe it.

  • The second option quite simply makes no sense to me. Why would they do that?

    I believe there will be a paid option sometime that will allow people to have a but using a URL that the user chooses rather than, but not the other way round.

    I agree about the API Key (Aksimet is what you’re referencing presumably), but you can sign up for the account as you have done and either not post to the associated blog at all, or simply put in a post pointing visitors at your private blog.

    I would say that WP is intuitive. For those users that want to blog without paying for it…


  • Matt has suggested that URL forwarding is planned as a paid option in the future.

    As to WP not being “Well explained” I suggest reading the very first post in the FAQ here at the forums. It provides links to beginning docs to get one started. Also remember that WP is Open Source software which means that “if there’s a feature that is missing, that means *YOU* haven’t written it yet.” :)

    Good luck,

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