Cropping images on table tennis post Oct 22

  • I followed the advice at on cropping images, hit ‘Done’, but the image reverts to its uncropped condition after a couple of seconds. What am I doing wrong? Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to moderators and staff)

  • Hi there,

    There are a few different ways to crop images, did you crop those directly in your media library here?

    Or did you do your cropping directly in the post editor where you normally add text and images to create the content that displays on your Table Top Tennis post.

    Also can you describe which images you edited and how you cropped them vs. how they appear now? If you can give us a bit more info we will try to retrace your steps and see if we catch the same issue so we can investigate, thanks!

  • Thanks for coming back to me.
    Direct :- I dragged-and-dropped the images straight into the page I was creating. I cannot crop them.
    When I select the dropped image, a menu appears; I select the trim tool, white lines appear on the image together with a 4-headed arrow tool. The tool does nothing if I try to select edges or the white lines on the image.
    It was easy in Classic!
    George farehamvannestwin

  • Hello there,

    Ok what is the page you’re working on whereby that doesn’t seem to take the cropping?

    Also, when cropping the image, are you able to first crop this in and then add the image to the page?

  • Thanks for replying.

    I’m trying to crop the images here:

    I’ve tried cropping the images in the media library; I do the crop and press done, there is no error message, but the image is not cropped when I return to the post.

    What am I doing wrong?

  • Hello there,

    Are you able to edit the image here:

    Navigate to the post and then re-add the image to the post?

    Also, did you get an error message, in the bottom left hand corner when clicking Apply?

  • Thanks for your assistance.

    I didn’t get any error message – that’s what I found so frustrating.

    I find can now edit the images in the Media Library, and retain them in edited form.

    To change them on the page, I find I have to Remove and re-Insert them, which surprises me as I thought the page was created from the media library on-the-fly. The Replace function in the image drop-down wouldn’t do the job.

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