Creating an image URL

  • Hi, I’m trying to add an image to an image widget for my sidebar. The image URL provided on the site where I found it does not work: when I paste the URL into the image widget, I get only the little blue box w/ a ? inside instead of the image.

    I’d like to create my own image URL for this image, but don’t know how to do that. I know I have to upload the image into a post to create a URL, but if I Publish it then I’d have a random post with just this image in it on my Homepage. I’ve also been told I don’t have to publish it or can publish it privately, but I’ve tried both ways & the image still does not show up in the sidebar.

    I’d like to know how to create my own image URL for this & future images. My theme is Twenty Eleven.

    Thank you!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • There are also other image hosting sites you can use to get the url. For example:

  • Copy the image to your computer, upload it to your blog via Media > Add New (dashboard sidebar), copy the file URL that will show up.

    To avoid issues with Explorer, make sure the image has the right pixel width for your sidebar – see here:

    Sidebar width

  • @justpi Thank you very much! Worked perfectly! :)

    @noirciplume Thanks for this suggestion, but I tried it & tinypic didn’t allow me to copy the URL.

  • You’re welcome. As you now know, Media > Add New is where you upload images if you don’t want them to be associated with a post.

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