Copying picture URL but keep getting red cross

  • I am trying to upload a picture from my Flickr stream but have tried copying the URL on the medium size page and keep getting the red cross which I presume means it is the wrong URL?…

    Please any advice about inserting from Flickr??…I have successfully blogged a picture from there but the size is too small and I want a larger picture.
    Thanks :~)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I would suggest checking your Flickr settings; you normally get that red X when hotlinking is disallowed.

  • Not sure which settings you mean..I have looked through all the privacy and sharing settings at Flickr and everything seems to be allowed..
    I have set up my WordPress blog woth Flickr and have uploaded a picture using that but it is too small and low quality.
    The URL I am using is this…

    but still getting the red cross..:~(

  • You have to use the *image* URL, not the page URL. It would end in JPG. On your flickr page, under “Sharing” use “Grab the HTML” select the size you want to use and just use that in the HTML Editor.

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