Cookies, slow down time, other problems tonight

  • If you are getting redirect problems, could you try deleting your cookies? The cookies are called “wordpressloggedin”, “wp_user”, and “wp_password”. In firefox you can delete them by going to Edit->Preferences->Privacy->Cookies and clicking on “View Cookies”. Scroll down until you see the cookies and delete them.

    After that, try logging in again. Do you still have a problem?

    Thanks for your help and sorry for the login problems. We appear to be tripping over some “interesting” browser interaction issues. Please bear with us.

  • Hi Ryan

    Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, clearing the WordPress cookies in Firefox and IE didn’t clear the problem with login. We still get the endless redirect problem.


  • Does not seem to be directly related to Firefox. I am using Firefox 1.5.x and I am not having a redirection problem.

    I have my Firefox options set to clear cookies and cache each time I close Firefox.
    Everything has been running OK for me TODAY with Firefox. Much, much better than this weekend :)

    Still get the stats bar graphs with IE 6.x though.


  • I still can’t remain logged in….a month later and no change it seems…even after clearing cookies.

  • I’m using firefox and having no problems at all. I even logged out and logged in again using IE7 and had no problems.

  • I’ve been having A LOT of issues today.

    If i modify widgets the changes are in the admin panel but not reflected on the site.
    Same thing with the custom CSS.

    It takes forever for the changes to show up on my page and/or later in the day i come back and all the changes i made are reverted to what they were yeseterday… etc.

    … and NO. it is not a browser cache thing. I’m not that much of a noob :).

    I’m assuming its a load balancing issue with servers not being sync’d up or something.. but its been verrrrry irritating for me.

  • Same here. I’m extremely irritated too.

    It’s a server issue, because some of my posts are not having problems but some of them are, especially some of the older ones, and ones under particular tags. Weird stuff, and what sucks is that support takes weekends off.

    Have fun until Monday!

  • I haven’t had any problems til this evening and came on the forums to see if anything was up. The pictures I’ve uploaded are not showing up though the pictures linked to Flickr and Photobucket are. It is looking like the page just isn’t finishing loading.

  • Oops, I just saw another thread relating to my problem — I had missed it at first.

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